Can somebody explain to me the difference between:
Depth Of Field —> "Film Format Basis" or "Pixel Basis"?
I know it has to do with the Circle of Confusion but I thought is was 'optically' related and not 'projection base (kind of)' related. Or am I that wrong?
Thank you.
PS: I might express me unclear by using the wrong (English-) terminology, as I am a non native speaker, please do forgive me!
Depth Of Field —> "Film Format Basis" or "Pixel Basis"?
I know it has to do with the Circle of Confusion but I thought is was 'optically' related and not 'projection base (kind of)' related. Or am I that wrong?
Thank you.
PS: I might express me unclear by using the wrong (English-) terminology, as I am a non native speaker, please do forgive me!