So I've been shooting the XP3 since around christmas. Here's how that happened, and which surprise the XP3 had in store for me.
When I first heard about the XP3, I was curious and somewhat interested to see how Fuji felt they could improve on the XP2. Later I found some very promising ClassicNeg samples on flickr. Plus I was hoping that maybe some of the XP2's colour issues might have been resolved or the play and bin buttons could be Fn buttons etc. But I was skeptical about the finder...
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When I first heard about the XP3, I was curious and somewhat interested to see how Fuji felt they could improve on the XP2. Later I found some very promising ClassicNeg samples on flickr. Plus I was hoping that maybe some of the XP2's colour issues might have been resolved or the play and bin buttons could be Fn buttons etc. But I was skeptical about the finder...
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